"Antisemitism Task Forces” on University Campuses.
The imposition of unconstitutional discrimination and surveillance of non-jews.
It’s been approximately one year since the false-flag event of October 7th of 2023. This false-flag ushered in a predictable maneuver by the jewish-lobby to control America, even more than they already do. In stereotypical fashion, a manufactured violent event takes place in Israel, with jews playing the victim, as jews themselves allowed it to occur. Unbeknownst to many, it was the jews themselves who were killing other jews, also with the help of Hamas (of whom Israel funds), and then blaming Palestinians for it.
Such false flags have occurred like this throughout time at the hands of Israel, Mossad and their international jewish groups, while the lie is always perpetuated by the global media like clockwork. Just examine September 11th, 2001, and endless other historic conflicts that led to war. However, it’s not just war they’re after; it’s the rewriting of laws and the abolition of free speech that comes with war, specifically law cracking down on the criticism of jews.
The next predictable and scripted step after October 7th, 2023, was to have faux outrage exerted on college campuses among both jewish and pro-Palestine students. Albeit unknown to many, this conflict was actually controlled and funded by jews themselves, and perpetuated by the jewish-run universities. Jews were the ones who funded, bought, and drove “doxxing trucks” around college campuses; outing the names, faces, personal information and locations of Palestinian students and staff members who spoke out against jewish conflict. Yet, no one in the media, the campuses themselves, nor congress, asked who owned and drove these trucks. Not to mention, where does the strategy of “doxxing” come from (i.e., outing someone’s personal information, name location etc., in order to intimidate them, and force their removal from employment or their removal from an environment)? It’s a jewish-created social-militaristic practice that dates back to its origin during the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and the years after in the Soviet Union and other European countries.
Jews themselves were also infiltrating the pro-Palestinian side of any march or protest and ramping-up the tone of such protests, even to the point of violence and campus occupation. Some employees themselves, within these universities, were working directly with the U.S. government, Mossad (whose motto is “by way of deception, though shalt make war”), and other intel agencies to manufacture as much outrage as possible.
This article, however, is not about those “protests.” This is about what has predictably become the scripted result of the October 7th, 2023 false-flag events and the faux outrage afterwords, one year later, here in America.
American campuses are the hotbeds of communism. This has always been the case, certainly since the mid-to-late 1800’s and well into the early 1900’s and beyond. In essence, as we witnessed with the reactionary actions of government in America, there are jewish students and staff, and then there’s everyone else. Any favoritism or elimination of rights at the expense of non-jews, is a clear violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution of The United States. Unfortunately, this has always been the plight of the jewish lobby.
Now, university campuses have doubled-down on their protection of jewish students at the expense of any other freely-expressive American student. Congress suckered presidents of universities to attend their congressional sessions regarding “antisemitism on university campuses” and the congressional slaves of the jewish lobby, on both sides of the isle, went head-hunting. These “are you an antisemite” congressional sessions, lead to multiple university presidents tendering their resignations, as the Bolshevistic tactics reared their head, dove into their pasts and painted them as liars, plagiarists and “not standing up for jewish students.”
This, has now, ushered in what are called “Antisemitism Task Forces. “
For example, at Harvard University, which has always been a hotbed of communism and Marxism, states the following regarding their “charge” within their Presidential task force on combating antisemitism and anti-Israeli bias:
“The Presidential Task Force on Combating Antisemitism and Anti-Israeli Bias will examine the recent history of antisemitism and its current manifestations on the Harvard campus. It will identify causes of and contributing factors to anti-Jewish behaviors on campus; evaluate evidence regarding the characteristics and frequency of these behaviors; and recommend approaches to combat antisemitism and its impact on campus.
The task force’s work will encompass three areas:
Outreach and listening tours to document experiences of antisemitism across the Harvard community, building on and learning from previous work done in this domain;
Historical analysis, focusing on the experiences of and attitudes towards Jewish and Israeli members of the Harvard community and how they have been affected by local and global events;
Collection and analysis of data from members of the Harvard community, in order to characterize the nature, extent, and proximate causes of antisemitism in the Harvard community.
The above three tasks will help identify actions that can be taken to address bias on a rolling basis and will culminate in a report and set of recommendations to the President. The recommendations may touch upon student life, supportive measures, School and University policies, education, and training, as well as other areas related to the climate on campus. The President is committed to bringing the recommendations to the members of the Academic Leadership Council, including the deans, on a rolling basis so that they might consider, refine, and implement interventions within the Schools.
The task force will begin work simultaneously in its three areas of focus. During the first weeks of public engagement, however, the task force will prioritize outreach and conduct listening tours to understand experiences of community members and learn from work already done internally and externally as well. The task force may produce interim recommendations shortly after the conclusion of this listening period. Upon completing its work, the task force will issue a final report with its findings and recommendations. Updates on the task force’s progress will be posted on this page.
The task force aims to carry out its work in a transparent and timely manner while proceeding with care and empathy. Its ongoing efforts, including descriptions of analyses and methodologies utilized, will be published on this page. The task force will work in close collaboration with the Task Force on Combating Anti-Muslim and Anti-Arab Bias throughout the duration of its activity in order to coordinate efforts and methodologies, although each group will have the flexibility to pursue additional sources of information and consider interventions independent of the other.”
The irony of this, is they’re admitting to funding both sides of the argument, as the state at the end:
“…work in close collaboration with the Task Force on Combating Anti-Muslim and Anti-Arab Bias throughout the duration of its activity in order to coordinate efforts and methodologies, although each group will have the flexibility to pursue additional sources of information and consider interventions independent of the other.”
Therefore, the side they’re really defending is anyone who is not them, and anyone who are against Whites . After all, they also know that they don’t need an actual event to take place in order to clamp-down harder on free speech and freedom of expression. All they have to do is manufacture a “hateful letter,” “vandalism” or another false-flag, and such “task forces” will get back to work on making their so-called “rules” even more unconstitutional, even if you have nothing to do with any political affiliation on campus.
At the University of Pennsylvania, you’ll note that there “task force on antisemitism” is largely made up of jews themselves. This simply begs the question, what if any other race of people on campus had a “task force” designed to defend them from hatred and bigotry? What if there was a “task force on anti-Asian sentiment?” Or, a “task force on anti-White sentiment?” Would such groups be allowed?
The University of Pennsylvania’s “Final Report” on their “Task Force on Antisemitism” is a 60-page document. While the document goes through a faux history of jewish victimization, it also hones-in on the indoctrination piece as well. Not surprisingly, they insist on more “jewish education” and jewish sympathy for their state of affairs, yet no one seems to be asking why they need sympathy, or why they have been oppressed throughout history? What is it they’ve actually done throughout time as a race of people? Why is it that jews have been expelled from 109 countries, 1,030 times, since 250 AD?
They also focus on the enforcement of their ideologies as well. On Page 17 they state:
“The Task Force underscores our recommendation that the University review existing policies governing student, faculty, and staff expression and conduct to ensure that all policies are consistent, clear, transparent, reflective of Penn's values, and equitably applied – especially in incidents of antisemitism.”
This is clear and direct language that they seek to re-write the first amendment so it favors jews over anyone else. Why else have these so-called “task forces” then?
In fact, they make an interesting list, outlining the actually history of the jewish race, when they state that they need to stomp-out any rhetoric having to do with the jews themselves on university campuses. This is a direct outline from PENN’s Final Report:
“For the purposes of training in cultural awareness, it is possible to identify some key examples of antisemitism that include but are not limited to:
• Claims that Jews are malicious ‘others,’ constitute a distinct racial group, act as a collective, and/or share collective traits and motives, such as greed, manipulativeness, or miserliness.
• Invoking historic stereotypes that hold Jews responsible for the death of Christ, describe Jews as child killers who drink the blood of non-Jewish children (accusations known as “blood libels”), or depict them as subhuman or demonic.
• Suggestions that Jews conspire to control the economy, government, media, or other institutions. These include centuries-old characterizations about Jews as well as contemporary claims, for example, that Jews created Covid to control non-Jews.
• Calling for Israel’s destruction, claiming Jews should be expelled from Israel, or demanding their return to Europe.
• Claiming that Jews are imposters or have usurped their identity from others.
• Calling for genocide of Jews, endorsing the Holocaust, or claiming it did not go far enough.
• Denying or minimizing the Holocaust or wielding the Holocaust against Jews (e.g. by accusing Jews of being Nazis); using Nazi imagery to describe Jews or Israel.
• Describing Jews as having dual loyalty, i.e., being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide than to the United States
• Assertions that Jews seek to undermine and corrupt the societies in which they live, whether religiously, culturally, economically, politically, or otherwise.
• Attempts to denigrate or deny the legitimacy of Jewish historical experiences, religious beliefs, practices, or communal expressions.
• Accusations that every Jew and every Jewish organization is implicated in the political decisions and policies pursued by the State of Israel.
• Discriminating against, excluding, or denigrating a person simply for identifying as a Zionist. Criticizing Zionism as a movement or ideology is protected as a matter of political critique, but mistreating a person because they identify as a Zionist is discrimination on the basis of creed.
• Discriminating against, excluding, or denigrating a person simply because they are Israeli, live in Israel, visit Israel, support Israel or refuse to denounce Israel.
• Mobilizing any of the stereotypes or tropes above as part of critiques or protests leveled against the Israeli state or its government or against individual Jews or jewish organizations.”
It sure seems like quite an admission of guilt. A question here could be; why such a damning admission? Are the points above valid points and reason for inquiry and exploration into he history of the jewish race and their actions over time? After all, Holocaust denial is explicitly or implicitly illegal in 16 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Romania—a country that denied the Holocaust occurred on its territory up until the Wiesel Commission in 2004. Why criminalize the simple denial of a so-called event? What do they have to hide?
Finally, in PENN’s Final Report, they focus on enhancing incident reports and conducting surveys, asking questions about the so-called “jewish experience” on their campus. Such so-called “evaluations” can be littered with falsehoods that would only seek to enhance their enforcement of such penalties allegedly directed at non-jewish students and staff. University campuses already have “anonymous reporting offices for hate” where anyone can file a complaint and fabricate anything they want, against anyone (staff and students alike), and the targeted suspect is guilty before proven innocent. It’s a university campuses own secret enforcement court with a judge, jury and executioner. It’s sanctioned bolshevism.
Columbia University also took the lead in advancing these discriminatory “task forces” by targeting non-jews as the sole reason that jews claim to be marginalized on their campus. They, too, outline many moves they seek to make which include, but are not limited to:
“Anti-bias and Antisemitism Trainings, Workshops, and Informational Websites, Recommendations for Who Should Receive Trainings and Workshops, Recommendations for How Trainings and Workshops Should Be Implemented and What Content to Consider, A Working Definition of Antisemitism, Training and Workshops Recommended for Students and All Members of the University Community Who Engage with Students, Proposals for Speakers, Convening, and Panel Discussions Specifically on Antisemitism, Customizing Trainings, Workshops, and Resources for Different University Constituencies and Schools, Recommendations for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Training, Reporting Experiences of Exclusion, Harassment, Bias, and Discrimination and Mediation Procedures for Resolving Incident Reports that Don’t Involve Title VI, Current Process and Recommendations for Filing a Report, Current Process and Recommendations for Mediating and Resolving Disputes, and finally; Consistency and Coordination between Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and Deans of Students Offices.”
Ladies and Gentleman, this is communism in a nutshell. After all, it’s jews themselves who invented communism, bolshevism, and the fake word “antisemitism.”
Even the American Bar Association is getting in on the action, because without the participation of the judicial system, you can’t follow through with a plan to destroy the First Amendment. Largely made up of jews themselves, the ABA also seeks to slowly make the criticism of jews illegal through tougher regulations. In fact, given the above outline by the University of Pennsylvania, the ABA is defining their involvement in these very descriptions of jews themselves. Specifically; “…accusations that every Jew and every Jewish organization is implicated in the political decisions and policies pursued by the State of Israel, or suggestions that Jews conspire to control the economy, government, media, or other institutions (i.e., the judicial system).”
Finally, you had better know that while this is about profit, it’s also about increasing the surveillance state in America, specifically toward university students themselves, even more specifically non-jews.
In an article written by Jessenia Class, titled; Suppression by Surveillance: Protest Movements and the Corporate Surveillers Profiting Off Fear; she states that not only is surveillance big business by itself, but it’s implementation can bring a university campus copious amounts of money due to it’s enforcement and policy implementation, for both the campus directors and local law enforcement in the region, even if crimes are not committed. Simply implementing the technology is profitable.
The surveillance-state is bolshevism in action and it helps paint a picture that the jewish-lobby seeks to show people to justify their further action that benefits them, and them alone. Jessenia Class stated the following regarding the state of surveillance, specifically on university campuses and the impact it’s having:
“In response to this somewhat manufactured fear, cities, and more recently universities, have adopted several surveillance methods. These technologies have become increasingly sophisticated. Cameras with facial recognition software have been installed on street corners; cities are equipping their police forces with novel geofencing technology using cell-site simulators. Universities outfitted already with data-tracking systems have allegedly used their technology to track students’ whereabouts and personal messages.
These concerns ring acutely for student organizers: some have felt the need to monitor their participation in democratic mechanisms of dissent for fear of being surveilled. Many students in today’s protest climate use facemasks, sunglasses, and scarves to cover their faces and prevent identification by surveillance technology to avoid doxxing or identification by authority figures.
“The ability of police to identify protestors using biometric data, either in real time or after the fact, makes demonstrators vulnerable to retaliation for their political speech and has the potential to chill people’s willingness to engage in constitutionally protected activities,” said Matthew Guariglia, Senior Policy Analyst at Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).”
The jewish lobby themselves have even gone to the length of attempting to rid the internet of a long-standing phrase regarding their planning and carrying out of the attacks on September 11th, of 2001. This has to do with the phrase; “The Dancing Israelis.” This phrase is referencing a hand-full of Israeli jews who were seen dancing and celebrating on a roof top in New Jersey when the Twin Towers exploded from the inside and then fell to the ground, via controlled demolition. These individuals were detained by police, and then released back to Israel to never be heard from again.
Now, Israel has created a documentary about their interpretation of the events of October 7th, of 2023, titled; “We Will Dance Again.” This title choice was not an accident. This title choice will help rid the internet of many of the search results having to do with “the dancing Israelis” associated with 9/11, and replace the search results with this propagandistic documentary, put out by Paramount +.
Long before WWII, the slow disintegration of America due to jewish control and the stifling of free speech, has always been the goal of the jewish lobby. Brick by brick, they tear down the very essence of what makes America a free society, as these words exist within their own teachings and writings. For example, in the Talmud, they state:
-Abhodah Zarah (25b)T: Even the best of the Goyim (NON-JEWS) should be killed.
-Abhodah Zarah 26b Tosephoth: “A Jew who kills a Christian commits no sin, but offers an acceptable sacrifice to God.”
-Alkut Simoni (245c): A Jew shedding the blood of a Christian is offering a sacrifice to God.
-Hilkhoth Akum(X,2) — Baptized Jews are to be put to death
Iore Dea (158, 1): Christians who are not Jews’ enemies must also die.
Iore Dea(158,2)Hag. — Kill renegades who turn to Christian rituals.
-Livore David 37: “If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death.”
-Makkoth (7b): Innocent of murder if intent was to kill a Christian
-Sanhedrin (59a) & Abohodah Zarah 8-6: “Every goy [non-Jew] who studies the Talmud and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die.”
-Schulchan Aruch Choszen Hamiszpat 388: “It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces.”
-Sepher Or Israel (177b): If a Jew kills a Christian he commits no sin. He has done God a service.
-Zohar (11 43a): Extermination of Christians necessary.
And finally, in Iore Dea (148, 12 Hagah) it says:
"Therefore if you enter a town and find them celebrating a feast, you may pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred. Those, however, who care about the salvation of their souls should keep away from such celebrations. You should make it known that it is a hateful thing to rejoice with them, if you can do so without incurring enmity."
Sadly, that’s just a small sampling.
We were even warned by famous aviator and politician Charles Lindbergh in 1941, as he was a staunch advocate for peace and non-intervention in WWII. Charles Lindbergh stated;
"The Jews are one of the principal forces attempting to lead the U.S. into the war. The Jews' greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our Government. I am saying that the leaders of the Jewish race wish to involve us in the war for reasons that are not American."
The plan of the jewish lobby is to control America and destroy Christianity no matter where it exists, to the point where criticizing jews will not only be punishable with expulsion from university settings, workplaces etc., but it will be punishable with prison time nationwide; and ultimately it will be punishable by death. We were warned of this when Dr. Joseph Goebbels stated the following on the 21st of January, 1945:
"One could not understand this war if one did not always keep in mind the fact that International Jewry stands behind all the unnatural forces that our united enemies use to attempt to deceive the world and keep humanity in the dark. It is, so to speak, the mortar that holds the enemy coalition firmly together, despite its differences of class, ideology, and interests. Capitalism and Bolshevism have the same Jewish roots, two branches of the same tree that in the end bear the same fruit. International Jewry uses both in its own way to suppress the nations and keep them in its service. How deep its influence on public opinion is in all the enemy countries and many neutral nations is plain to see that it may never be mentioned in newspapers, speeches, and radio broadcasts. There is a law in the Soviet Union that punishes anti-Semitism — or in plain English, public education about the Jewish Question — by death. The expert in these matters is in no way surprised that a leading spokesman for the Kremlin said over the New Year that the Soviet Union would not rest until this law was valid throughout the world. In other words, the enemy clearly says that its goal in this war is to put the total domination of Jewry over the nations of the earth under legal protection, and to threaten even a discussion of this shameful attempt with the death penalty:"
-"Die Urheber des Unglücks der Welt," Das Reich, 21st of January, 1945, pp. 1, 3.
I have written and spoken about the surveillance state in America before, both here on Substack and on my podcast American Education FM. I have done the same on both of those platforms regarding the jewish lobby, specifically regarding their involvement within American universities and K12 education.
The infringement on our God-given rights, and the surveillance state, are not boot heels within these campus environments that will go away, in fact, some may falsely claim that these are “Gestapo” tactics. On the contrary. These are communistic-Bolshevistic tactics, as jews themselves created communism and bolshevism. They have also manufactured, implemented and profited from their implementation. However, in the jewish-lobby’s last ditch effort to control non-jews and the environments they inhabit, they out themselves as the controllers they seek to be. This is their last move. The proof lies in the fact that you have more left-wing college students referencing the U.S. Constitution now more than ever, and all eyes (regardless of race or political leaning) are looking in the direction of the jewish lobby and their blackmailed politicians and bureaucrats as being the causes of America’s Constitutional erosion, conflicts and wars.
University and college campuses in America are arguably the most dangerous environments in society, whether the attendees know this or not. Online universities are growing as an alternative, as they tend to be lower in cost, while delivering a far more objective education without the need for facial recognition software nor the environment for manufactured student protests. In fact, brick-and-mortar schools are falling by the wayside in the business of education as their perceived relevancy and pseudo-importance reached its peak long ago, and is now declining fast with no end to that decline in sight. It’s not about teaching or acquiring factual information in on-campus education environments. It’s about activism; with the jewish lobby as the puppet-masters pulling the strings on all sides.
Make no mistake, the goal here is to track, trace, falsely accuse, and control students and non-compliant staff; while eliminating American’s God-given free speech in all of its forms, not just on university campuses, but throughout our entire country and in all walks of society. This is led, manufactured and carried out by the jewish lobby, and it’s done for profit, conflict, war, and death of non-jews. However, overrepresentation and self-exposure is the jews downfall.
As stated by Dr. Joseph Goebbels;
“A law against hating Jews is usually the beginning of the end for the Jews.”
For more on historic quotes from historic figures, involving the actions and history of jews throughout the centuries, click here.
BIO: Dr. Sean M. Brooks is the host of the podcast American Education FM and the author of several books including; The Unmasking of American Schools: The Sanctioned Abuse of Americas Teachers and Students. He’s also on Gab, Truth, X, Bitchute, Rumble and everywhere audio podcasts can be heard.
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I first became aware of these issues when I was 16. I'm now 65. The unpleasant truth is, for any Gentile to make a systematic study of Judaism and Jewish history is inevitably to come to some very disturbing epiphanies... 🤔
Thank you. These links may be of interest as to the use of terrorism and false flags.
How Jews Killed Jews In Order To Create The State Of Israel
The New American Century
Debunking “Ancient Israel”
Exploding pagers attack and 911