Georgia School-Shooting Anomalies.
An analysis of the Colt Gray shooting by "Lookoutfa Charlie" on YouTube, and badge-cam footage of Colt and Colin Gray.
A listener of my podcast American Education FM, sent this video my way. They told me to check it out and I did. This is incredible, as the stories from the players involved in this shooting don’t add up. There are too many inconsistencies, as the media is both telling the truth, yet lying about what is going on here at the same time. Endless questions are not being asked, nor answered.
Give the 18 minute video below a watch and let me know what you think. Both videos are the same. This is a brief, yet solid analysis in my opinion. As, I’ve said on my show, the most common sense questions are not being asked. The media has the time to interview the same students over and over again, but we still don’t know how the gun got in the school and there’s been no surveillance video released as of yet. Why?
If you believe the media’s narrative of this at face value, you aren’t paying attention.
Does this badge-cam footage from May of 2023 sound like a Dad who is negligent with their son? Does anyone in this situation seem concerned? Make no mistake, this is political. It’s a scare tactic for parents. It’s a gun grab for government.
BIO: Dr. Sean M. Brooks is the host of the podcast American Education FM and the author of several books including; The Unmasking of American Schools: The Sanctioned Abuse of Americas Teachers and Students. He’s also on Gab, Truth, X, Bitchute, Rumble and everywhere audio podcasts can be heard.
More questions - when did the school year begin? where was he prior to the start? was he at another school? Who lives in the house and why was this the first time the neighbor saw him? Why the change in appearance - we saw this with Crook - now Colt - got to love these names. The lady should have noted more on his physical appearance. If he did indeed make threats a year earlier - then why were charges not filed and a police record exist? If you want to prevent threats you show that you are serious. Then again suppose he did make threats - he would be perfect for grooming for a job which may explain the cell phone hits. The witnesses sounded scripted one did not even look at the interviewer. Be interesting to know the history of the father - has he always been an active hunter or is this a new turn for another reason?
I don't have to watch the videos: I know this is a set-up, a scam and that I'm being lied to.