Any event that is propelled into the mainstream wavelength, is noticed by almost everyone. These events are tossed around one’s mind and many agree with the mainstream narrative. However, very few investigate the veracity of such events that are propelled into the zeitgeist, and many will simply revert back to their own comforts, because the truth is far scarier than what they can imagine.
Events that are propelled onto the populous, also expose those who lack an investigative train of thought. Such occurrences expose those who lack a sense of curiosity, in particular when the weight of the mainstream is overwhelming. If one views someone else to be a curious person with a set of investigative skills, they may soon realize that said person may only investigates what is comfortable. Perhaps, image protection and security is all they are truly interested in. This has been proven recently with the false-flag in Uvalde, Texas.
In an instant, we have witnessed countless “alternative media” and “new media” outlets (who constantly berate the mainstream media as being liars), fail to think, investigate and question every narrative that the media has laid out regrading Uvalde, Texas. Why is this the case? Simple. It’s about money and a lack of perceived courage. I say perceived courage, because it is not courageous to think. It is not courageous to ask questions. This should be the norm. However, those who fail to do so, certainly lack something far more important. Morality.
If an individual is financially supported by a group of people, and that individual or group weighs the mainstream-media event against the backdrop of the question; (“Will members of our audience abandon us if we report the truth on this and question everything?”), then, you will have been shown a compromised person who lacks a strong moral foundation. These people or groups, have now shown those who were paying attention that there is only so far they will go to investigate the truth.
Money ultimately becomes the motivator and willful ignorance becomes their stance. However, if the situation involved one of their own personal friends or family members, for whom they dearly loved; the truth would be the only thing they cared about. Unless, perhaps, they got paid.
With the flip of a switch, we have witnessed endless people who have claimed for the last number of years, if not decades, to be among the “awake,” suddenly and practicaly overnight, revert back into the Matrix and their comfortable delusion. They now believe the mainstream media, again. They now believe their mental controllers, again. They now believe the lies, again, and don’t let them convince you otherwise.
Endless people have believed what strangers have told them regarding the false flag event in Uvalde, Texas. “If this outlet says it, it must be true. If this person says it, it must be true. If this alternative media and new media outlet or person says it, it must be true.” This is now the wavelength of thought among those who once shouted from the roof-tops that they were “awake.”
The fact is, these individuals and groups couldn’t be more dead asleep. Furthermore, the number of people who are portraying what happened in Uvalde, Texas to be real (whether they believe it or not), include the following names and groups:
Joe Biden and his entire administration.
Donald Trump and his entire administration.
Meghan Markel.
Every politician around the world.
Every celebrity around the world.
Every mainstream media outlet around the world.
Every professional association around the world.
A few simple questions then: Do you now believe these people and these groups? You didn’t in the past, but now they believe what you believe and vice versa. So, now, this must mean that you believe them when they speak about this Uvalde, Texas matter? Is that all it took for you to now agree with them? A story about kids being shot in school, because the above people and groups said so?
Before I ask more questions about the false-flag incident in Uvalde, Texas, let me describe the Cassandra complex. Described, with some accuracy, on the website, the Cassandra complex is defined as the following:
“The Cassandra complex is the name given to a phenomenon where people who predict bad news or warnings are ignored or outright dismissed. The term ‘Cassandra complex’ has entered the lexicon in 1949 when a French philosopher discussed the potential for someone to predict future events.
The complex has been used in wide-ranging contexts. This includes psychology, the circus, the corporate world, environmentalism (and science in general), and philosophy.
Cassandra, in Greek mythology, was the daughter of Priam, the king who reigned Troy when the Greeks attacked it. Cassandra was such a beautiful woman that she attracted the attention of the god Apollo, the son of Zeus. He gave her the gift of prophecy as a love gift, but when she refused his attentions, he grew angry. Apollo then cursed Cassandra to always prophesy the truth but have the misfortune of knowing nobody would ever believe her.
The Cassandra complex, as we know it today, also has some distinct links back to the times when the Old Testament came into being. Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Amos were all prophets who called attention to what was going wrong in their society. All three prophets spent their lives calling on people to honour God through their actions. They avoided animal sacrifices and cared for those in need. Unfortunately, as was always the case, people didn’t believe them. Moreover, for their attempts, they were put into the stocks, among other punishments.”
Sometimes interpreted as a double-edged sword, people can use this complex falsely, and against one another. For example, a staunch “climate change” believer may claim that because someone doesn’t believe in “climate change,” they have a Cassandra complex, in that they only deny it because they are frustrated that people don’t believe their point of view. The Cassandra complex has nothing to do with a point of view. It has to do with knowing what is fact, while not being able to convince those who are wrong, what is in fact right.
I interpret the Cassandra complex as a simple frustration, as it was originally interpreted in the mythological story. If a person is granted foresight and the ability to see the truth, then they needn’t ask questions to engage in an inquisitive investigation. They immediately know the truth already. However, given that we are humans and not mythological beings, we are required to ask questions. Therefore, my human definition of the Cassandra complex, is; a frustration that lies within a person, when said person sees other fellow humans not asking questions where questions and inquisitive behavior should be both innate and a prerequisite to arriving at a conclusion (i.e., the first move). A blank-sheet of thought if you will, that with time and investigation, one will arrive at a more objective conclusion. Some might even call it a frustration with people who don’t apply the Scientific Method.
Sadly, this approach of inquisitive thought and investigation has not occurred among many whom possess the largest bullhorns, including those within the coined alternative or new media. Why? What are they afraid of?
Let’s see if they can answer some basic questions, relating to the events within and around the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas:
Do you believe the mainstream media and politicians when they tell you someone has died, and how they died?
Has the government lied to you in the past regarding events that are connected with alleged death?
Have mass school shootings occurred before, and were those viewed as suspicious, both immediately and over the course of time?
Do you trust the mainstream media?
Is it legal for the mainstream media to lie in our country?
Does government have your best interests at heart?
Do you know about the existence of crisis actors?
Do you know that there are active shooter drills within schools, where students and teachers “play dead?”
Do you know about ALICE Training within American K12 schools?
Do you know that a failure to follow such procedures will lead to the immediate firing of a school employee?
Has anyone been fired for a failure to follow their contractual obligations?
Has the mainstream media interviewed real teachers who were working inside of the school?
Has the mainstream media interviewed the building principal of the elementary school?
Has the mainstream media interviewed the superintendent of the school district in Uvalde, Texas?
Has anyone answered the question of “how did the 18 year old get 2 guns, body armor and hundreds of rounds of ammunition within a few days, with no money, no credit, and no store having sold it to him?”
Why have crisis actors been caught on film, taken by the mainstream media, lying about their involvement, or their alleged child’s involvement:
Why did the school have 600 plus students in it, and yet no one has seen 600 students exit the building, nor the required buses to handle that many students, during or after the alleged shooting?
If the alleged shooter was in possession of two AR-15’s and dressed in body armor, then wrecked a truck he didn’t own, outside and down the street from the school, only to be approached by law enforcement, why didn’t law enforcement detain him for wrecking an automobile that wasn’t his and confiscate his body-armor and guns?
If the alleged shooter, shot multiple gunshots through the windows of the classroom, from the outside of the school, why have we not seen any photos of the broken windows or the bullet holes in the windows?
If a school teacher propped open a door to allow the shooter inside the building, why haven’t we seen or heard from that teacher?
Why are we hearing stories about the alleged heroic efforts of both students and police officers, yet we haven’t heard it from any of them directly on video?
Why isn’t the mainstream media at the homes of the above individuals, the same way they are when a Supreme Court Justice makes a legal decision?
Did you know that there was an active-shooter drill at the neighboring high school, just three days before the alleged shooting?
Are you aware that division among humans is exactly what the enemy wants, all of the time?
There are countless more questions that have no answers. However, here is one that can be attached to the end of every question above; “If not, then why not?”
Knowing your enemy is a requirement of thought and investigation. The number of people who quote the Chinese General Sun Tzu, and his manual The Art of War, have failed to apply it. These very people have exposed themselves as being weak, in a very real war. The same can be said about Occam’s Razor. Those who would consistently claim to apply Occam’s Razor (the answer lying in the explanation that requires the least amount of assumptions), have now failed to practice what they allegedly preach.
Making mistakes can occur among many in war. Mistakes are even made among those who ask questions and are inquisitive to the bitter end. However, the most egregious mistake of all; involves the failure to think in the face of your enemy, while quietly reverting back into a false sense of mental security.
“Foreknowledge cannot be gotten from ghosts and spirits, cannot be had by analogy, cannot be found out by calculation. It must be obtained from people, people who know the conditions of the enemy.”
-General Sun Tzu
BIO: Dr. Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D. is the author of several books including; The Unmasking of American Schools: The Sanctioned Abuse of Americas Teachers and Students, and he’s the host of the podcast American Education FM.