CENTEGIX and Ritualized Trauma in Schools.
Government-driven "fear technology" and anonymous threats.
(To read this entire article, go to my Substack page and you will have free access to the whole thing. Substack is saying this article is too long for email readers. Email readers may have the article cut off).
While I’ve written about the COVID lie in many previous articles, I’m going to avoid that in this one. However, more specifically, I’m going to highlight a few examples of what government allowed in the wake of the COVID lie. Keep in mind, all of this was planned. Everything from wearing a mask, to years later implementing a school-based policy for masks to be worn when a child/staff member felt they were sick. This also stretches right into big business and the implementation of what I call “fear technology,” to be used within schools and then become ubiquitous across American education; from K12, through university settings. After all, COVID was a trojan horse, and this is what’s inside the horse.
The second aspect of this ritualized trauma, that is implemented and facilitated by government, has to do with school buildings being threatened with violence or attacks of a specified nature from a so-called “outside party.” There are many threats that schools receive throughout every year (email or phone threats), but what the public and the school districts themselves fail to understand, is that those threats come from government and three-letter agencies themselves; nine times out of 10.
First, an example of what I call “fear technology,” is a company called CENTEGIX (pronounced sen-tee-jix). Full credit to Cicily Hellekson for alerting me regarding this company.
Not only is this a company that is facilitated by government and three-letter agencies (yet they’ll never tell you that), it’s really designed to amplify trauma within schools, under the guise of doing the opposite in an effort to decrease violence, while claiming to also provide an alert system for when something goes wrong.
If a wireless device is being worn around the necks of COVID jabbed educators, let alone un-jabbed educators, this isn’t a healthy thing to do (metal magnetized graphine nano-tech from the shots in their blood stream). Not to mention, if you hold up any wireless device to your chest and have someone push down on your arm as you attempt to push against their hand in an upward direction, your arm is weaker and less likely to successfully resist someone pushing down on you, than if you didn’t have a wireless device on your chest or attached to your body. This CENTEGIX device will most assuredly have a negative health impact on the body of the person wearing it, and I’m certain they haven’t tested this.
Furthermore, another aspect of this, from a health perspective, is the possible cancer that such a device may cause to materialize within the wearer. As this device is a wireless device attached to the internet (all day long, everyday), while also being attached to your body (let alone your heart or chest area), it’s not likely to be beneficial. Again, there’s no way that the long or short-term aspects of this device have been tested.
CENTEGIX has been around for approximately three years. Right after the “COVID” lie was implemented within schools and the bio-weapon shot rollout occurred. Interesting timing.
This leads me to the next point. CENTEGIX is quite possibly a hidden “life alert” type of system for jabbed teachers or even jabbed students when they fall over sick or dead from having taken the COVID shots; yet, CENTEGIX would never tell you that this may be their hidden motive. Remember, government thinks many steps ahead in order to implement their technology for the purpose of making money under the guise of a safety device, while keeping the real reason for the illness or the device a secret. CENTEGIX simply sells the device as a one-stop-shop for all alert systems that differ from all others that exist within a school-based environment.
CENTEGIX would also lead their customers to believe that if students visibly see such a device being worn by a school employee, then students themselves would be lies likely to become violent with one another. This is absurd. If students cared about getting caught and cared about the consequences, they would fight outside of school, not within them as they so readily do.
CENTEGIX also provides their own assessments as to what they believe is occurring within schools in relation to violence and how their device may be a deterrent; of which of course there’s no way it could be.
There references for this data comes from within CENTEGIX themselves, but first from Education Healthcare and Public Services, where the linked referenced page “cannot be found.” Interesting.
Next, they reference The National Center for Educational Statistics, which is a government NGO designed to manipulate stats and then use those manipulated stats to integrate technology toys and other cultural changes that benefit government, not the people (think DEI and lowered test requirements). Finally, they reference ASCD. ASCD is another NGO and they describes themselves as:
…where educators come to learn about new instructional strategies, grow as individuals and thrive as professionals. We are the preeminent global leader of professional learning resources for all classroom teachers, instructional leaders, principals, and superintendents. For over 80 years, educators and instructional leaders have used ASCD’s educator-generated, evidence-based resources, digital tools, and solutions to build teaching and learning environments to elevate education and boost student achievement. In 2023, ASCD merged with education nonprofit ISTE, bringing together expertise in technology and innovation with deep knowledge of curriculum and instruction. As a collective organization, we’ve expanded our ability to serve educators throughout their careers, and are setting a course to design the future of education by preparing educators in effective pedagogy practices supported by technology. We empower educators to reimagine and redesign learning through impactful pedagogy and meaningful technology use. We achieve this by offering transformative professional learning, fostering vibrant communities, and ensuring that digital tools and experiences are accessible and effective.
You can see how these two groups joined forces in 2023, and they’re now all becoming aligned to make money on this ritualized trauma, under the guise of “school safety” and making sure that—“safety, staff and student security is their number one concern.” It isn’t. It never is. Making money is their number one concern as a company, and since government is facilitating the money, R&D, and using laws to help with statewide implementation, it’s all about the normalization of fear and perpetual ritualized trauma as I’ve written about HERE.
In concussion regarding CENTEGIX, there are many groups like this claiming to be better than the rest. Groups like this prey on the weak-minded and they get away with it. Your average brainwashed educator or administrator would believe this to be a great advancement in school safety, when in fact the real reasons for this are far more nefarious. CENTEGIX and other devices like it, are a visual-manipulation tool to be used and worn by teachers and administrators, and visible to students as a perceived deterrent to violent behavior. Again, in reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
It’s also a logistical nightmare. If the data that is provided is undesirable, then it can easily be deleted or manipulated by school-district officials. Much like a regular discipline referral is. District officials and building administrators would be tracking this data within their own buildings, while the company itself would have all of this data on their own cloud servers, tracking the movements and usage of everyone who wears and uses the devices, and the reasons for the use. It’s the implementation and normalization of mass surveillance, under the guise of safety. It’s just how government wants it.
The video below is from three months ago on CENTEGIX’s YouTube page, as they promote their own product on local news channels throughout the nation.
Parents are equally as brainwashed with this ritualized trauma, as they, too, falsely believe that such a device makes their child more safe.
This is the “wireless body area network” and the “internet of bodes” on full display. It’s another way to create a teacher and a student’s digital footprint. There is no way that these devices can be used objectively or consistently without endless flaws, specifically human manipulation or human error. But, not if you hear a school administrator talk about it on the record as you heard above. Given that building administrators are all do-gooders and boot-lickers by nature, if they disagree with any implementation of such a device, they’re shown the door.
Finally, and just as a reminder, the so-called threats that are called into schools, nine times out of 10, are three letter agencies (CIA, FBI, DHS, ATF etc), local law enforcement, or one of their associates using a VPN (virtual protection network) to call in or email a threat to a school building or district. Many of the threats come from an IP address, from outside of the nation in a foreign country. Your average human doesn’t know this.
This, too, is the easiest form of what I call “mobilized ritualized trauma.” It’s mobilized, because there have to be many moving parts in and around a school environment in order to coordinate the fake threat, and then specifically impose a real response on the victims. Remember, you don’t need everyone in on the lie. Just one or two people is more than enough. The rest of the sheep will follow along. The COVID lie and everything that came with it, proved that, did it not?
This local example just occurred the other day in a neighboring school district where I live.
Ironically, this is the same building where I conducted my dissertation research. Guess what the subject of that research was, back in 2017? Urban High School Educators’ Perceptions of Their Training and Experiences Regarding Conflict and Violence in School.
When I posted the above article on Gab, having to do with a local school near me in a neighboring town, a responder accurately responded and stated:
This so hard.
The entire telephone system is under total surveillance. Even "burners" and such. The illusion of privacy in ordinary life and LEO interactions is maintained simply as a function of which tools are made available to which agencies/ levels of government. You have "privacy" as long as agencies work the tools to break your privacy don't care about you. That's it. But you never actually have true privacy in any electronic communication or financial transaction. The last bits of that were officially shredded under Dubya and Hussein.
The obvious corollary is: energy single incident that clearly warrants national kennel intelligence scrutiny that goes "unsolved" is manufactured or permitted by the agencies who are nominally talked with investigating and preventing such incidents.”
False threats like these occur in every district across the nation, large or small. For example in this article and video in the link below regarding Knox County, Tennessee, they don’t run away from false threats occurring, yet they may or may not know who is really responsible:
“One week into Knox County’s 2024-2025 school year, Sheriff Tom Spangler is reinforcing just how seriously his office is taking school security. False calls are among Spangler’s top concerns. The Knox County sheriff said his agency responded to 117 threats last year, making 41 arrests. The Knoxville Police Department’s story is similar; officers responded to 63 threats last year at 30 schools across the district. The sheriff wants parents and students to know he’s taking false calls seriously for the new school year.”
“Unfortunately we know something’s going to come about, we know someone is going to make a false call,” Spangler said. ”If it happens and if you’re caught, we’ve made it very clear. I’m going to sound redundant, but it’s that important to me that we hold these individuals accountable.”
There isn’t anything that the Knox County Sheriff can do about it logically, because if it’s the government doing it, and if he finds out or says anything about that being the case, he’s toast.
In an election year the stereo always gets turned up to 11, and the enemy has more tricks up their sleeves. Having your children in these environments is detrimental to their psyche, because government purposefully designed it that way. Schools, government, and NGO’s are continuing to make attempts at selling you the so-called solution on a year-in and year-out basis. What’s that called? The Hegelian Dialectic. Problem, reaction, solution. Covertly create a problem; manufacture a reaction by publicly opposing the problem and creating fear, panic & hysteria; and then eliminate the problem by providing a so-called “solution.”
Get your children out NOW!
BIO: Dr. Sean M. Brooks is the host of the podcast American Education FM and the author of several books including; The Unmasking of American Schools: The Sanctioned Abuse of Americas Teachers and Students. He’s also on Gab, Truth, X, Bitchute, Rumble and everywhere audio podcasts can be heard.
Before the Club of Rome “Limits to Growth “ (1972) was the "REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN: ON THE POSSIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY OF PEACE" With introductory material by Leonard C. Lewin. 1967 https://ia801603.us.archive.org/10/items/pdfy-A5uQx1ByqfwWuHma/Report_from_Iron_Mountain%201967.pdf
This secret group of NWO parasites brainstormed on what could be use as a substitute for war – which apparently was not as effective at decreasing the population to the extent they wished.
“SUBSTITUTES FOR THE FUNCTIONS OF WAR: MODELS The following substitute institutions, among others, have been proposed for consideration as replacements for the nonmilitary functions of war. That they may not have been originally set forth for that purpose does not preclude or invalidate their possible application here.
ECONOMIC. a) A comprehensive social-welfare program, directed toward maximum improvement of general conditions of human life. b) A giant openend space research program, aimed at unreachable targets. c) A permanent, ritualized, ultra-elaborate disarmament inspection system, and variants of such a system.
POLITICAL a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force. b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace. c) Massive global environmental pollution. d) Fictitious alternate enemies.
SOCIOLOGICAL: CONTROL FUNCTION. a) Programs generally derived from the Peace Corps model. b) A modern, sophisticated form of slavery.
MOTIVATIONAL FUNCTION. a) Intensified environmental pollution. b) New religions or other mythologies. c) Socially oriented blood games. d) Combination forms.
ECOLOGICAL. A comprehensive program of applied eugenics.
CULTURAL. No replacement institution offered.
SCIENTIFIC. The secondary requirements of the space research, social welfare, and / or eugenics programs.
SUBSTITUTES FOR THE FUNCTIONS OF WAR: EVALUATION The models listed above reflect only the beginning of the quest for substitute institutions for the functions of war, rather than a recapitulation of alternatives. It would be both premature and inappropriate, therefore, to offer final judgments on their applicability to a transition to peace and after. Furthermore, since the necessary but complex project of correlating the compatibility of proposed surrogates for different functions could be treated only in exemplary fashion at this time, we have elected to withhold such hypothetical correlations as were tested as statistically inadequate. Nevertheless, some tentative and cursory comments on these proposed functional "solutions" will indicate the scope of the difficulties involved in this area of peace planning.
ECONOMIC. The social-welfare model cannot be expected to remain outside the normal economy after the conclusion of its predominantly capital investment phase; its value in this function can therefore be only temporary The space-research substitute appears to meet both major criteria, and should be examined in greater detail, especially in respect to its probable effects on other war functions. "Elaborate inspection" schemes, although superficially attractive, are inconsistent with the basic premise of a transition to peace. The "unarmed forces" variant, logistically similar, is subject to the same functional criticism as the general social-welfare model.
POLITICAL. Like the inspection-scheme surrogates, proposals for plenipotentiary international police are inherently incompatible with the ending of the war system. The "unarmed forces" variant, amended to include unlimited powers of economic sanction, might conceivably be expanded to constitute a credible external menace. Development of an acceptable threat from "outer space," presumably in conjunction with a space-research surrogate for economic control, appears unpromising in terms of credibility. The environmental pollution model does not seem sufficiently responsive to immediate social control, except through arbitrary acceleration of current pollution trends; this in turn raises questions of political acceptability. New, less regressive, approaches to the creation of fictitious global "enemies" invite further investigation.
SOCIOLOGICAL: CONTROL FUNCTION. Although the various substitutes proposed for this function that are modeled roughly on the Peace Corps appear grossly inadequate in potential scope, they should not be ruled out without further study. Slavery, in a technologically modern and conceptually euphemized form, may prove a more efficient and flexible institution in this area.
MOTIVATIONAL FUNCTION. Although none of the proposed substitutes for war as the guarantor of social allegiance can be dismissed out of hand, each presents serious and special difficulties. Intensified environmental threats may raise ecological dangers; mythmaking dissociated from tar may no longer be politically feasible; purposeful blood games and rituals can far more readily be devised than implemented. An institution combining this function with the preceding one, based on, but not necessarily imitative of, the precedent of organized ethnic repression, warrants careful consideration.
ECOLOGICAL. The only apparent problem in the application of an adequate eugenic substitute for war is that of timing; it cannot be effectuated until the transition to peace has been completed, which involved a serious temporary risk of ecological failure.
CULTURAL. No plausible substitute for this function of war has yet been proposed. It may be, however, that a basic cultural value-determinant is not necessary to the survival of a stable society.
SCIENTIFIC. The same might be said for the function of war as the prime mover of the search for knowledge. However, adoption of either a giant space-research program, a comprehensive social-welfare program, or a master program of eugenic control would provide motivation for limited technologies."
IMHO - they have checked most of these boxes. As the saying goes "War is when your government tells you who the enemy is - Revolution is when you figure it out for yourself"
When I was in grade school - they had the duck and cover crap to put us in a state of fear. In HS there were always bomb threats - but I think those were by students who wanted out of exams. They needed some real incidents so they can go for the guns. I believe they have always used something to scare the masses or to get them on the side of the government.