This idea that government can simply remove your rights by some claimed statutory authority is pernicious in the extreme. Criminal behavior cannot be codified into law.

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Seems to be what's been happening in Canada under Justine Castreau and Her Merry Men, starting with compelled pronouns with I think it was Bill C16 ( “An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code”) passed in 2017, progressing to Bills C10 ("Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts") and now, the abominable C-63, The "On-Line Harms Act."

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so the evil people sign some papers to make them immune from punishment? that's totally legit, and should totally be followed by us plebs, or else we're bad, bad law-breakers!

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How we fight depends upon which strikes the former Republic first: digital bio weapons and lockdowns OR AhaluAkbar screamed over the comms of attacking Jahadis as they launch multi-front assaults against the citizenry. Take your pick. Both are fast heading to a neighborhood near you and me. My hunch: Allah beats the WHO to the punch.

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