It may feel like you are wasting your time, but you are not! Keep exposing the lies, Thank you!

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Amazing work Dr Brooks! GOD BLESS YOU! My daughter is a teacher at an Elementary school and is CLUELESS to any of this horrifying information. She is 32 and still asleep however she does listen to my advice on a number of issues. I was wondering if there is a video you could maybe recommend to start getting her feet wet on how bad things really are. If that makes sense. If I just jump in and start spewing real truths about these horrific scandals she would think I’m crazy and I am trying to avoid that. Thank you again and GOD SPEED!

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I recommend she read the book, The Leipzig Connection. It's so small it will fit in your back pocket. It was written in 1979. It warns of the stuff we are seeing today and explained many things. It's on amazon, used too. As far as videos go on education, It's tough becasue there are many, but there is this one: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BwLf6vzrKQoW/

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Thank you 🙏 Also, just wanted you to know I tried sharing your latest school board meeting presentation on TRUTH social. They deleted it and I’m not surprised. They are all in on the Evil. Even beloved Trump.

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Yep. Not surprising. I put this Substack on there and I think it's still there. Also, the book I wrote titled Purposeful Deception may be a good one for your daughter too. I go through the history of education slowly and bring us up to the year 2018 when things were really bad even then.

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