What exactly do you know about this Leslie character? I’m suspicious of anyone who claims they are a “whistleblower.” Not saying he’s not telling at least some truth, but it seems like every whistleblower is misleading us somehow. And then there’s that name: Leslie


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I'm more than suspicious. I call bs. There's nothing he said that couldn't be gleaned from any alt media sources. How did a new grad get hired by Pfizer? Exactly what did he do? Why the heck would PV hire him but not pursue his whistleblower claim. Exactly what was it the "woke him up?" Why do the pics all have the same expression? Why do they look photoshopped? The whole thing just reeks of attention seeking imho. I'm fine with being wrong. But he needs to produce something NEW that we've never heard before. And have an explicit, detailed narrative of how and why he came by said new info.

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And likely the pic RFKJr pushed out everywhere of him and OKeefe and girlfriend hiking w the Kennedy dogs in Cali after JO was "fired" from PV and ye was being "consoled and counseled" by the presidential candidate has been memory holed. But I think it speaks volumes about that candidate's "true" character more than anything spewed on the proverbial campaign trail... Right up to picking Google as his running mate. Mr. "Corporate capture of government bad" has just been captured by his own grift!

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Brilliant film, thank you... it was Justin's persistence and deep respect for truth and for others that allowed him access to all of the information he gathered. without being murdered in the process!

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