In a book written by Mark R. McNeilly titled, Sun Tzu and the Art of Modern Warfare, McNeilly summarizes and discusses the principals of warfare by Sun Tzu and how the true victor knows the enemies moves before the enemy ever makes them. In it he states:
“The ‘avoid strength, strike weakness’ principle flows directly from the first principle of ‘win all without fighting.’ If ‘win all without fighting’ is the nation’s ultimate goal, then ‘avoid strength, attack weakness’ is the key to achieving it. Attacking the opponent’s weak points is a much more effective and efficient use of the nation’s resources; it shortens the road to victory and increases the value of the victory. Success can be accomplished in several ways. One can attack the weakest enemy troops, destroy critical war-making resources, utilize land- or sea-based mobility, launch a preemptive strike, attack boundary points, or deliver a psychological attack. The key is knowing where the weaknesses are and when to release the attack. Unfortunately, pitting strength against strength is often the preferred method of warfare in Western countries, mainly because the direct approach is strongly embedded in the Western mind.”
With these two principals of warfare in mind, ask yourself what we saw the last time around in 2020 through 2023. We saw parents light up school board meetings. We saw citizens light up city council meetings. We saw face-to-face battles and communication within members of opposing sides strategize their plans and then present their plans to the masses. What the enemies of freedom failed to understand, is that the citizens who supported them simply went along with the orders, while those of us who know what is going on circled the wagons, legally and behaviorally speaking.
We fought face-to-face against the enemy, on what they perceived to be their own battlefield. What they failed to understand is that the battlefield of freedom has been ours all along.
With looming stories of fake variants of a fake illness making a comeback, along with the reactionary messaging of illegal mask mandates, shot mandates and lockdowns to follow in the near future, we know the battlefield better than the enemy does, and we know it better than we knew it the first time around. Not only do freedom lovers, such as ourselves, know what the enemy has in store, we also know how to adjust our tactics and win without fighting. After all, ask yourself this question; what is the enemy’s weak point? The answer is; your lack of participation.
Mass non-compliance is the first step. Written accountability is the second step and never returning, is the third step. Allow me to explain.
Specifically examining American school districts first; you had parents react to the scamdemic in three ways. The first set of parents immediately homeschooled because they knew that this was a manipulative lie. The second set of parents sent their kids to school wearing masks and they allowed themselves and their children to be manipulated by a worldwide hoax. The third set of parents agreed with the COVID narrative and swallowed in every word by the media—hook, line and sinker.
With varying degrees of severity within these three categories, it’s conceivable that there’s been a shift in consciousness since the first hoax reared its ugly head. This is historically referred to as The Great Awakening, which is a literal shift in consciousness and an ascension of thought, where God bypasses those who listen to authority, and directly instructs the individual to listen to Him and themselves as individuals, first. This gives the individual the upper-hand, because God is directing the man against the authoritarian masses who are seemingly in perceived positions of influence and power. This has occurred throughout history on more than one occasion, and it occurred before the Revolutionary War in 1776.
It, is in fact, this heightened state of ascension and consciousness that leads to revolution. Therefore, more families and citizens have shifted more toward the first set, as opposed to shifting toward the third set, as stated earlier. With this said, there will always be those who remain in the third set no matter what. These people are too far gone and cannot be helped. However, now that more people associate with the first set of parameters, look at what they accomplished the first time around. Unfortunately, however, they ended up maintaining the same institutions that carried out the tyranny the first time around, which means their tactics this time around must be more harsh, and quietly so.
This is why a full and permanent removal from the American school system is the only way forward. While that shift of action previously occurred among many, another wave of this scamdemic will generate an absence of students and families within these environments that could cause a permanent institutional collapse, but it will only happen if that mental ascension has occurred to where the individual listens to what the easy and quiet move to make is.
The Sun Tzu principal of ‘win without fighting’ comes directly into play here. Where as the last time, patriots both homeschooled and threatened their child’s school boards with legal action; this time, voting with your feet by walking away permanently will send a clear and highly-observable message, that the jig is up. No more paperwork. No more asking your children what they want to do. Only swift action. As Sun Tzu stated;
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
As I’ve written and spoken before about the situational term Zugzwang, which is a situation in the game of Chess where there is a forced ‘compulsion to move’ by the victorious party toward the party that has already lost (which forces the losing party to make a move they don’t want to because it will further expose their failed nature); this defines where we are now. I wrote about this in July of 2022 on this Substack, and it’s still relevant today.
Possible scenarios that the enemy has been forced to make in the future and their reactionary consequences, include but are not limited to:
Returning illegal mask mandates for stores, businesses and schools. This will thereby create the reaction of businesses being hurt financially, schools closing and trust eroding.
School closures would force more families into homeschooling environments online. This will continue to create an irreversible ‘want and need’ for homeschooling which is free from government manipulation.
As the bio-weapon recipients continue to get sick from the damage they’ve already done to themselves, they may rely on new false narratives (such as the ‘COVID variant’ lie and more ‘vaccines’ to alleviate their already compromised immune systems). This will lead to further sickness and death that will be noticeable. It will also be impossible to maintain many more working environments due to a lack of employees and human participation.
The sheep will become more angry the next time around. While they will continue to play this manipulative game, their agitation will reach new levels. This will be filmed and shared worldwide, again.
University environments that have removed their COVID bio-weapon mandates (and most have, as of now) may make mandatory RSV and Flu shots in order to attend. They may also enforce illegal mask mandates again in their false effort to combat something that mask-wearing (oxygen deprivation) only exacerbates.
Universities/K12 schools and places of employment may also refuse to accept any and all medical or religious exemptions for any type of shot going forward.
These university environments may also move to an online environment, as more students and staff become sick from the shots they’ve already taken and continue to take, as well as the electromagnetic shedding that is ever-present.
Internal battles within elected and non-elected institutions will also reach heightened levels. More employees within these institutions will stand against the moves that there employers will make and they will do so more verbally, where as previously they may have ‘gone along to get along.’
Any ‘internet shutdown’ will cripple any institution, and by default, every institution will be halted and close their doors as a result.
Current projections for a possible return of these warfare situations are plausible, and unfortunately they all lead to an inevitable decline in the human race. Current projections in fertility and population among those who have taken the shots are dire:
The increase in conversations and actions related to ‘15 Minute Cities,’ fake ‘climate change,’ biometric and facial recognition technology to access money, food, movement etc., and how those methods are already in place worldwide, should show any citizen what the enemy has planned in the long run. God has shown us this by speeding up the enemies plans and giving us a glimpse of what lies ahead if we participate.
Not only is mass non-compliance the only way forward, but remembering what is real is of vital importance. As Polly St. George of Amazing Polly recently stated, and I agree;
‘…normalizing abnormality is something we must never allow. We must always remember what is real and hold on tight to that, and resist what is not real.’
Dr. Jane Ruby has also encouraged people to do the following if and when illegal mandates or lockdowns occur again:
Don't fly for 30 days.
Don't order a single thing from Amazon for 30 days.
Avoid big box stores for 30 days.
Avoid grocery stores for 30 days (use your non-perishable food and your life saving medicines).
Doctors/nurses walk out of hospitals for 30 days.
BRING BUSINESSES TO THEIR KNEES EARLY AND SWIFTLY - THEY NEED YOUR COMPLIANCE TO SUCCEED. If we don't shut this down the next time, this is the point of no return.
Staying positive is critical in this time, in particular with what may come. Always being observant, conversing about these observations, and engaging in non-compliance are the ways forward. We’ve all been prisoners of war before. If not physically, then certainly mentally.
Be prepared. Work out scenarios. Communicate these warfare scenarios with family and friends. Have food, water, cash and supplies for outdoor and indoor survival. Have all of these at the ready.
Tell those you know who are asleep what is being discussed and what may come in the future. Or don’t. That call is yours. Even if they ignore you, if what you tell them comes to fruition, they may begin to wonder how you knew these things in advance.
Finally, pray. God wouldn’t give it to us if He thought he couldn’t handle it. We can handle it because we know the battlefield. We know the enemy. We know the enemy’s moves before they make them.
We have ascended in thought and in manner. From that, there is no return. Therefore, we have already won.
BIO: Dr. Sean M. Brooks is the host of the podcast American Education FM and the author of several books including; The Unmasking of American Schools: The Sanctioned Abuse of Americas Teachers and Students.