The jew is the most expelled creature in human history. Each expulsion has left the remnant more psychotic, bloodthirsty, and anti-White. The 20th century, powered by jewish Communism and "World Wars" which killed 98% White people, gave them power (kill our warrior classes) and wealth, as the original war profiteers have always been jewish bankers.

I disagree entirely with your conclusion. Truth will not get us out of this, the complete ablation of the evil jew, is required. Otherwise, it is a fantastic article. My only other worry is how completely the jew owned many of us. A life of "Germany Bad" indoctrination is nearly impossible to de-program. Many of our own, (witness Christian Zionists) will not survive.

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Have you never seen this Sam Peckinpah Classic?: https://youtu.be/Zd20mV0ydFw?si=uqPfaSzVihIm0YcU

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great movie. Although James Coburn was a bit old to be a recon/infantry feldwebel.

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I understand Coburn actually created the loopy ending, as they were shooting from an unfinished script that Peckinpah was too wasted to sort out on his own. Still my all time favorite war film

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Superb post. The lies about the war to save stalin are enormous

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There will be a lot of Hollywood movies and holocaust novels to destroy when history gets to be told as it really was.

Adolf Hitler never wanted war and tried to stop it repeatedly, and Germany was never prepared for a war at all said the historian AJP Taylor, especially not a war of such a vast magnitude against such a vast array of mind-wiped Jewish-controlled adversaries coming from so many nations.

Though on the Axis side, of the 1 million SS men, only 400,000 were native-born Germans. The highly decorated Belgian SS war hero Leon Degrelle who had often been wounded in close combat stated that some 600,000 men from 30 different nations volunteered their lives to defend the right for non-Jews to live on this planet, because that is what this is ultimately all about, as the Jewish criminal terrorist death cult self-statedly intends nothing less than the total physical extermination of all Gentiles from this entire planet so that the Jews can have it to themselves, this is what Communism is about, Judaism is Communism, Communism is Judaism, this is what the Leninist WEF is about, this is what the Noahide Laws and the Jewish scriptures like the Zohar and Torah and Talmud are about, they are all really intent on TOTAL WAR involving permanent total extermination of all Gentiles.

Jew Trump said in a speech recently that he wants a death penalty under law introduced throughout the US as punishment for 'antisemitism', this is the same law that Joseph Stalin, who was actually a Bukharian Jew (who I show several photos of in full Jewish dress on my site) enforced throughout Soviet Russia, even right through WWII and up till 1953 when he died, though Lenin and Trotsky as well as Stalin murdered 66 million Christians in Russia according to Solzhenitsyn. Read about Stalin's method of 'creating the Communist mind' as he called it in the accoounts of the Pitesti Experiment in Russian-occupied Romania, involving utter violence and terror being infllicted on mind, body and soul.

Stalin stated in the wording accompanying that law that the reason for its introduction is that Judaism is both fundamental and essential to the Communist Revolution.

After WWII, at first the Kremlin insisted that the same law then be introduced throughout the entire world in every nation, that is something the mainstream 'historians' working fior the Jews do not like you to know about.

The Kremlin then reconsidered, realizing many peoples were still battle-hardened, and that such a bold move by thre Jews at that time would invite a harsh military response from many nations, so they decided to go about things a different way, by 'cultural destruction' first of all, turning people to addle-brained cabbages who can no longer even see any point in living, and even less in having children to continue their species.

There can be only one appropriate reaction in response against the military offensive now being made against all humanity and this world by the criminal terrorist Jewish death cult.

Karl Marx published these words in 1849 translated from his foreign language political journal;

"The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust".

Adolf Hitler states in Mein Kampf that if the Jews are permitted to continue their agenda, that this planet will become a lifeless ball of rock spinning through space. Jewish scientists alone conceived of, designed, then patented the atom bomb (Leo Szilard in 1934 in London, the nuclear bomb, the planet-killer dirty cobalt nuclear bomb (Leo Szilard 1950) and the neutron bomb.

Then the Israeli Jews threatened the Samson Option total nuclear destruction of the entire planet. Leo Szilard stated that just 400 of his cobalt dirty nuclear bombs of the much smaller size able to be produced at that time would permanently exterminate all forms of life on this entire planet. This is clear total evidence that Jews are violently criminally insane. The appropriate and extremely vital military response against that threat byall Gentile nations is extremely obvious, and the fact that the treacherous governments of many of them are now run by heavily-infiltrated and lethally-minded criminally insane Jews is evidenced by the total lack of military response being encouraged and organized by them against that Jewish threat.

The Zohar states that their 'lord' will exterminate all Gentiles in the world in his wrath and that the Gentiles will all be sent to hell under the Angel Duma, whoever the hell he is. The Jews also say that every Jew is god walking upon the Earth, so no prizes for guessing who this 'lord' doing all the exterminating will be, it is the Jews themselves who are to do all this killing and exterminating, and they will accomplish most of it through using emplaced Jewish and crypto-Jewish leaders, such as the extremely sinister and malevolent erstwhile UK PM Boris Johnson, who publicly claims to be a former Catholic converted while at Eton public school to Anglicanism, who when with ultra-orthodox Jewish rabbis has proudly worn a very fancy royal blue velvet wide-brimmed ultra-orthodox Jewish hat and proudly stated "I am a Jew", and he could have stopped the war in Ukraine that is now set to consume us all that was ultimately started by the arrangement of the criminally insane Chabad Lubavitcher Jews who are the front of the intended Jewish NWO world military dictatorship of the Jews, as that is how they intend to kill us all mainly, by arranging endless wars to get literally hypnotized Gentile peoples to destroy each other for them.

Any historians in the distant future looking over the distant past of this invaded planet will need to be able to see the enormous amount of dishonest efforts that the pirate Jews have put into taking over this planet and then lying about it, including by their agents frantically disseminating the current fake news of the Jesuits really being behind it, or the supposed Black Nobility elite Roman families (Italy has always had the highest Jewish population by proportion of any European nation anyway and we all know that the Italian mafia are not really all Catholics at all like they show in the Hollywood movies, but actually Jews). The Jews are the ones behind the current process of wholesale destruction of life on this planet, it is not Gentiles trying to murder all Gentiles on this planet, but Jews, very obviously indeed, and their own rabbis openly state that to exterminate all Gentiles is the actual intention of the Jewish religion.

But still the dark Jewish agents of deception pump out their smokescreen lies to blind all the Gentiles so that the Gentiles will never suspect that the Jews are already slowly murdering them in many ways.

Germany and the Axis powers should have won though, as now the Jews are simply just killing all Gentile peoples all over the world as they please by various means, even surreptiiously, as they bring in their NWO, which ultimately involves the permanent total physical extermination of every single last Gentile in the entire world, rabbis even state this out loud, I feature videos of rabbis saying that and more on my Substack site, variously saying not one single survivor of the Gentiles will remain alive in the entire world, that 6 billion 'idolators' are to be killed, that 580,000,000 white people of the Second Rome in European nations are to be killled and then all the remainder of the white peoples in all other lands around the world, and so on. I have the videos of Jewish rabbis saying all these things, published for all to view so that the Jews can be seen as the intendedly lethal force against all of Gentile humanity that they really are.

The Jews are using all kinds of filthy weapons on the Gentiles, most of which are not even perceived as being weapons by those they are being used on, who even refuse to believe they are acually under military attack after the Jewish weapon of mind control has been used on them to make them believe that they are actually being benefitted in some way by some of these actual weapons.

The thoroughly infiltrated and hijacked governments now running almost all Western nations are nothing more than Israeli Jewish hostile foreign power military occupation satellite governments intent on nothing other than ultimately murdering their Gentile hostage slave populations by arranged suicide.

A very physical attack like this by the Jews deserves a certain decisive response by the Gentile peoples of the world to prevent Jewish plans coming to their fruition or ever being attempted again at any time in the future for all time.

I am glad that more and more people are starting to understand very clearly what the Jews really intend towards all Gentile humanity, the Jews intend to seize this planet for themselves alone to live on, and with self-replicating humanoid DARPA robots they will be able to replace all their current essential manual slave labourers and far more besides. The robots we see on the television are 30 years behind what they really have.

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Most German soldier memoirs I've read all say the war was to stop international communism. I don't remember whether Guy Sajer of Forgotten Soldier says that.

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Communism flourishes when all spiritual consciousness is absent, firstly in the Jews themselves who are entirely ignorant in true spiritual terms, despite their immensely complex-seeming Kabbalistic pretensions and occult knowledge of how to twist energy on the subtle planes as in the kapparot black magic blood sacrifice rituals by which they illegally and obscenely transfer all their own bad karma onto innocent souls every year. Jews even override the karmically-governed reincarnation process so that they only reincarnate in Jewish families again and again to build further on their world domination agenda, always causing total destriment to the well-being of all others in this world.

The abilities to do these things are parts of the Chabad Lubavitcher and other orthodox rabbinical self-stated practices. These are not just mere beliefs, but real practices with real results involving Jews using black magic to step out of the laws of karma to avoid personal self-responsibility, thus they never see any need to change.

Any suffering due to be imposed on themselves due to any sin they have committed, the Jews simply have that sin and its karmic reaction imposed by forceful black magic occult means on others so that the non-Jewish souls can be forced to suffer in their stead, so the Jews foolishly remain very callous towards all non-Jewish souls and actually undeveloped by their own personal choice in real spiritual terms, and that means the Jews themselves, despite grandiosely and pretentiously naming themselves as spiritual nobility, are really unconscious as spirit souls in real terms.

The Jews are entirely spiritually unconscious to any actual spiritually awakened state of cosmic consciousness that occurs on the highest spiritual planes, this is because they view all others apart from fellow Jews only as spiritually lifeless demon souls, so the Jews remain entirely blind and unconnected to the infinite mass of souls throughout the infinite spiritual dimension who actually are spiritually conscious and involved with each other within and through the real God.

That the Jews cannot understand the actual cause of their own suffering and redress it properly by entirely dissolving their present affiliation and ceasing their present practices to take on new understandings and more cultured spiritually-based practices, to no longer be Jews in any sense, is the entire cause of any dissatisfaction they feel on all levels.

The resultant spiritual darkness within their own beings is due to their addiction to insane levels of anger and aggression, always assuming themselves to be 'God' and thus to be entirely good and without blemish and thus blameless, following the Talmudic teaching that if any Jew wishes to do any evil, they should travel to a distant land and dress in black there and do the evil they wish only to other peoples there (and of course, rabbis and many other Jews wear black).

One presumes the above mentioned process has been craftily thought out by spiritually dead rabbis to enable Jews just to work off the spiritually defective and associated genetically defective tendency towards insane levels of hostility, to render the Jews calm enough after their anger has been played out on others to then be able to dwell among their fellow Jews again in their own communities without ripping the throats of their fellow Jews out too. But when all the Gentiles have been used up, the actual insanity of the Jews can only inevitably then be unleashed on their fellow Jews, then only will the Jews fully understand the self-limiting nature of their present Jewish pseudo-spiritual beliefs and practices.

The Jews refuse to address their own issues, when they feel bad, they just slaughter a chicken or get their rabbi to do it for them to pass off their bad karma so they feel all shiny nice and new again on a certain level, but that only works up to a point, like the chain smoker who is always coughing and gradually dying, and cannot quit and sees no need to, so the Jew continues on their insane path as well.

And the Jews see no need to suffer personally, rather, the Jews seek by using kapparot black magic blood sacrifice rituals to bend the natural laws of karma and redirect karmic suffering that would otherwise naturally come to the Jews themselves and cause it to then only play out in the lives of all others so that innocents will be forced to suffer greatly on the behalf of the Jews, as if that would relieve the aching spiritual inner void that occurs constantly within the Jews because they constantly turn their face away from the real God who dwells eternally in all souls, from the humblest microbe to the material demigods to the dwellers in the infinite spiritual dimensions.

Communism is actually nothing other than the Judaic political expression of pure lethal hatred against all Gentiles, one only has to read accounts of how 'antisemites' were severely tortured in the gulags in Soviet Russia and of the similar processes 'to create the Communist mind' as Stalin put it in Romania in 'The Pitesti Experiment', which is horrifying to read about.

This is what Jews do to people when they get the opportunity for political and military supremacy, they simply destroy all others. The Negro BLM fools who declare themselves 'trained Marxists' have no idea how they are being maliciously played by the Jews who are actually arranging the BLM agenda.

Fluoride and mercury and other means are purposely used to permanently damage the brains of all young Gentile children so that they will remain unable to see that they are being attacked, how they are being attacked, or by whom, making it extremely difficult for the majority evidently to see who is really behind it and that those responsible really have no genuine reason at all.

The Jews in control simply like hurting other people and will never stop unless they are stopped, they continue their insanity because it seems to temporarily distract them from the pain of their own Godless madness, that is all, but the Jews will never feel better even if they do kill all other life on the planet.

Godless nihilism is posed grandiosely as the pseudo-religion called Judaism, with many rabbis even declaring themselves as atheists, and some saying they believe in 'god', with all of them really meaning the same thing, as they are all really atheists as the Jews believe in destroying all other religions, all their temples, all their peoples, all traces of the God that they can see in any Gentile religions, real or false.

Yes, the Germans with Adolf Hitler saw very clearly, so the Jews try to keep them all blinded now while the Jews steadily work to accomplish their several thousand year-old plan to butcher all Gentiles in the world.

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+ have this on the front slate: www.theprussianmovie.com

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Excellent post!

I am 26 years older than you, and didn't watch any of the "shows" you mentioned.

I will certainly watch the other documentaries, including the ones mentioned by dawnfrench.

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For a thorough deconstruction of the propaganda of the battles in the pacific, I highly recommend this series by Lestrade:


Once you see the method of how they faked these battles, you’ll start to question everything you thought you knew.

Don’t miss these other articles on WWII:




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Great article Sean! Have you ever considered reading your articles on your podcast?

I listen to every episode, but often don't have time to read articles.

Your rant on hanekah (- like I give a shit enough to look up how to spell it) and Kwanza was epic -. So funny!!

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Great article and list of documentaries. Capt. Roy Harkness cross-posted me here. I could add NWO: Communism by the Backdoor (and its brief version 'How the World Was Fooled')

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Reasoning not used by you in reaching your conclusion.

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