Aug 21Liked by Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D.

“They are enslaving themselves and they don’t even know it.” SMB

It’s good that you are chronicling this.

Question: how many would stop even if they knew?

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Few, to none. Money is their slave, and who created that slavery?

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A small group of people known for their reasonable interest rates and a predilection for itty-bitty hats? 🤔

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How many morons took The Lethal Injection without a minutes' thought? I have one co-worker, 7 injections – and 3 aortic stents, is on blood thinners! "The vaccinations have nothing to do with it" the fucktard told me! 😳 I have another, hasn't kept count of how many she's had: "I have COPD, I can't be too careful!" 😱 That's what she said to me, I shit thee not!

But my all-time favorite? The sticker which says "I have a healthy distrust of authority and I'm [covid] vaccinated"!! 🤪🤣🥳 Truly, you can't fix "stupid", no matter how you try!

So the short answer to your question, Will B? None of them would – because they're too god-damned STUPID!

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Aug 21Liked by Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D.

Excellent research and terrifying. Indeed there are many useful idiots getting paid to implement it. I write about the emotional and cognitive abuse of schooling. This is why they target our sons and daughters so young - before they can discern that this technology is invasive and abusive. It will just become normal to them as they trudge through school and into their adult years.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D.


"The Wall" came out almost 45 years ago. Like "Camp of the Saints" or "V for Vendetta"... how could a piece of teen ephemera like this, be so eerily prophetic?

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An anonymous comment on the article from GA.win. Well said.


"Get your kids out of schools now. By the time they get to middle school, these ass hats will have built full profiles on every student that will follow them the rest of their lives. Most people's mindsets, attitudes, and personalities are pretty much set in stone by the time they reach the age of 8 yrs old. Sure, people change over time, but those changes are mostly superficial in nature. A good profiler or clinical psychologist can map out how an individual will behave throughout their lifetime if the have access to the data from the child's psychological development stage, which begins around 3-4 yrs of age and is almost completed by the time they're 8-10. That's what all these "standardized tests" kids take nowadays are designed for. So, get your kids out of the public school system now. It's the only real way to ensure the govt doesn't get the data they need to pull off the Commie takeover."

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