Jul 24Liked by Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D.

This is something like the 9th attempt on Trump - most were by people with TDS. We also cannot ignore the endless attempts to remove Trump through the various "gates" that have occurred since he was first elected. I've also heard that the COVID scam was suppose to occur during HRC's reign and that was to lead to basically the end of the Republic. So the deep state and all those employed by it especially the military industrial complex are very concerned with job security and the consequences of someone discovering their fleecing of America and the international bankers house of cards is about to fall.

When you look at where Crooks traveled the weeks and days before, it suggest that the Deep State and military were involved.

I am leaning to this being a deep state attempted coup which was intended to send us into a civil war. The bullets were real - but I doubt the all came from Crooks (if any of them did ). He was shot through the mouth. Early videos of him casing the joint - suggested to me he was waiting for someone or a phone call. Interesting that no one has checked out the water tower or at least sent a drone over it. Though I suspect the snipers were most likely in the building behind him.

I think it backfired - which is why we immediately saw all hell break loose with the Democrats.

The Ear wound was exaggerated - but Trump exaggerates many things and most wounds do not bleed within the first 2 seconds - unless it is massive. So moving his hand to brush it the split second after probably would not have shown blood (especially since it looks like it just grazed the area). However once something bleeds - any movement affects the flow. I would think there would be some hearing issues .

Most PD/FD uniforms have standards - I believe the names on the back are limited to 10 letters and must be a certain size. Not sure about the new uniform - but these type things can be answered. The point of the name is to quickly ID the person from the back - so the size has to be large. Pity the thin person with the long name.

Shortly after Trump went down - someone yelled a couple of times "shooter down" which would have changed the reaction of the crowd - this was pretty fast. In fact, the FD who was said to be protecting his children - would not have had the time to react to do that, though it probably would have been his first move. I doubt those in the stand heard the gun fire - I think they reacted to Trump going down. We hear it because we are listening for it.

The SS tossing Trumps shoes - was strange. But if this had been a deep state job - I would have expected that as a calling card. I hate to accuse anyone - but I think the confusion was that they missed their target - it seems like at one point one of the SS asked something like "what do we do now" . The head of SS Chetal - also played an interesting part in the response to 9/11. The "counter" sniper on the roof has an interesting Jewish Kabbalah bracelet.

Then we have the photographers - the one who captured the bullet would have required a very high shutter speed - something which would be used at NASCAR not at a rally.

So what if after the attempt – an agent of the controller reminded DJT that they could take him out with lawfare or easily assassinate him or manufacture new controversies or take out his entire family and eliminate all his seed. A conversation like ..["you see how close we came – that was a warning – your choice you drop out or you tow our line we will control you. You agree to this and we will load you with money and support from Billionaires and influencers, we will tone the press down to provide positive coverage, your cases will disappear. Yes about that press, we own it all of it – they do what we say (you will recall how prior to Spanish American war, WWI, WWII, middle east – the sheep were against US involvement – but they did a 180 after certain false flags and our propaganda skills). Now if you say yes we will decide who you bring on board. Since you have not announced your VP – that will be our boy Vance. ]

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The “white” on his ear looks like exposed cartilage to me, providing evidence of an actual wound. That’s my initial impression.

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Highly possible.

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One of the hydraulic lifts that held up a speaker seems to have been hit by a bullet. You can see the speaker drop as hydraulic fluid sprays from the hose. There is also video of a bullet hitting the rail and disintegrating right as one of the bystanders reacts as if hit. This footage suggests that real bullets were fired.

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I think there were real bullets too, but who shot them and from where?

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Jul 24Liked by Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D.

Hard to say. Too much conflicting information. One thing I do find hard to believe is that Crooks was a "lone wolf". Even if he was the only shooter (debatable at this time) it sure does seem like others were working with him.

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Someone had a great video showing the reactions of folks in the bleachers when the bullet went by - slowed down you could see the whole line of flinching and movements before it slammed into the rail. They need to string it out from where he allegedly was shooting to where the bullets went. One would think the first thing would be to preserve the crime scene and immediately do the forensics. But we get nothing - which convinces me more that this was a set up by the Deep State. If Trump had organized this they would be all over it- they have the investigative power .

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