Nov 2Liked by Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D.

I like how they go from talking about "the Americans," to saying "our elementary schools." It's blatantly obvious they already think they own the world to the extent they can tell the American (and any other) government what to do. Utterly insane, and hilarious that they pretend it's all Hamas indoctrination. Because nobody else has ever had a gripe with them before, right? And all the while, while they pretend we're being indoctrinated against them, the American public in reality already seems too fargone in the other direction. The hypocrisy is ripe at every turn of a sentence -- going from talking about silencing people who disagree with them to doing it in the name of free speech. How blind can we get to the obvious evil that pervades every corner of our world now?

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Nov 2·edited Nov 2Liked by Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D.

They already do own the world Randy. A few years ago I learned The Rothschild Crime Syndicate holds fully half the world's wealth, the loot was estimated to be around 500 trillion dollars. Care to think how much they hold now?

PS: https://x.com/DannyDutch/status/779618842884575233

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Good poin, Captain, since they've always owned us financially. That's what matters most, especially in a Democracy (vs. a true Republic).

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Nov 5Liked by Sean M. Brooks, Ph.D.

God knows how at this point they shall be dismantled. But they absolutely must...for humanity's sake.

Excellent piece. Thank you.

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Thanks - I wonder if Heritage was always this way or if to has been infiltrated.

Then there is this- New “Ark of The Covenant” Constructed as a Weapon and “Communication Device” was Taken to Trump Before Bringing it to Jerusalem


If you wonder why Trump decided to bomb Syria in 2017 - this may help explain it


I think many things that he did was to set up the Green Flag for 10/7

This household is writing in Thomas Massie for president.

The two parties are to give us the illusion of choice - both are run by the Jews and the purpose of these divergent views were to divide the people. They have infiltrated so many Christian and Islamic religious sects and others they created. I am beginning to see many books of the old testament - not as history or prophesy but as an operations manual with the Talmud and their other satanic texts being the user guide.

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