This is obscene. Just scanning through those photographs, this is absolutely obscene. I'm supposed to believe that "Transgenderism" is acceptable when this article proves it's the most atrocious psychosis imaginable? But up here in Justine Castreau's Woke Democratic Socialist Non-White People's Republic of Canuckistan? Just to repost this, I'm risking a visit from "The Social Justice Tribunals" and a $250,000 fine plus paying the plaintiff's costs.

And when – not if – they pass their "On-Line Harms Act", I could be facing life imprisonment, for posting Hate Speech.


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I forced myself to read this entire post…even as my eyes welled up. Holy f*%ck. It’s also not the first time I have seen photographed results of these surgeries. It literally just doesn’t get any easier for my eyes to see, each time they do.

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One of your best posts since I’ve been following your work. Well done.

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This pathological behavior on the part of American Schools is a product of cultural Marxism. In the public policy research that I conduct in retirement, pro-bono, I have discovered the roots of this behavior This is the mistaken belief on the part of cultural Marxists in the proposition that a self-governing "complex" physical system is a non-self-governing "non-complex" physical system, where a "complex" physical system exhibits one or more "emergent properties," each of which is a property of the whole system and not of the separate parts of this system whereas a "non-complex" physical system exhibits no such property. This mistaken belief leads the cultural Marxists to believe that every self-governing, complex physical system is not self-governing thus must be governed by them. Amongs the physical systems that must be governed by the cultural Marxists, they believe, is our school systems.

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, CA



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I can't believe how mentally ill one has to be to do this to themselves, or parents who allow this to be done to their kids. This should be illegal, its barbarian what these fake doctors are doing.

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Let me correct you " I cant believe how mentally ill one has to be to do this to a child" if an adult makes the choice to do this then they have to suffer the consequences of that decision such is life. But any and all Doctors who promote such evil upon a child need to jailed for life or drawn and quartered

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Reading this while fighting my gag reflex and recalling Dr. Hannibal Lecter's words from "The Silence of the Lambs": "Billy thinks he's a Transgender because he hates his own identity you see. But his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying."

And, reading this, I'm given to wonder.. how could anyone who did this to themselves, be any less savagely and utterly insane than the fictional character "Buffalo Bill", or Ed Gein, the real person he was based on... both of whom captured, murdered and skinned women, made their pelts into a suit that they'd put on, and then dance late at night in the moonlight?

As for the surgeons who would do this? Do they have surnames like "Frankenstein", "Holmes", "Mengele", or "Cameron"?

And finally.. I recall one Robert Hoogland, a postal worker here in British Columbia, was imprisoned for "contempt of court" for attempting to prevent his confused 15-year-old daughter from having this done to herself... But dig through the Internet as I have, I can find no recent information about his situation... 🙄

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Thanks Roy for your hard work and tireless search for the truth, but sometimes the truth is a bit much to handle with so many other things destroying society as we know it daily

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